
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

roasted brussels sprouts with garlic & red pepper flakes

it is brussels sprouts week at food network's fall fest and i couldn't be happier. while recipes for this vegetable abound at this time of year, many, many people i know turn up their noses and say "oh no..i do not like brussels sprouts! they are so bitter."  you know what? sliced and roasted at high heat in e.v.o.o., garlic and red pepper flakes with a splash of balsamic creates a totally different texture and taste and no one i know has ever taken a bite and responded with anything but "these are delicious".
as always, the ingredients really do make the difference so...if you can...choose local, organic or sustainably grown produce, excellent quality extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar...and good red pepper flakes, grey salt and black pepper.

we had a bit of fun with our raw brussels sprout photograph just to make the point that, when roasted, they are as sweet as candy. do you like them in the candy dish?

roasted brussels sprouts with garlic & red pepper flakes
(serves 4)

1 lb brussels sprouts
6 cloves peeled garlic
extra virgin olive oil
pinch red pepper flakes
grey salt
freshly ground black pepper
excellent quality balsamic vinegar

preheat oven to 400 degrees. wash brussels sprouts and remove tough outer leaves. remove stems and cut sprouts lengthwise into thin slices (about 1/4 inch thick). slice garlic cloves lengthwise as thinly as you can. spread brussels sprouts and garlic in bottom of foil lined, rimmed baking sheet. drizzle olive oil over vegetables...enough so everything is well coated...and sprinkle with the red pepper flakes, salt and pepper. roast in preheated oven for approx. 30 minutes....until the sprouts are very tender and well caramelized. remove from oven and place sprouts on serving plate. drizzle with the balsamic vinegar. taste and adjust seasonings if needed.

it is brussels sprouts week at food network's fall fest, the last "food fest" of the year.  check out the other delicious sounding recipes from my blogger friends:
Feed Me Phoebe: Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad With Almonds, Manchego and Pimenton Vinaigrette
Cooking With Elise: Perfectly Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Napa Farmhouse 1885: Brussels Sprouts With Vinegar and Cranberries
Red or Green?: Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Garlic and Red Pepper Flakes
And Love It Too: Lemon-Infused Brussels
Virtually Homemade: Fried Brussels Sprouts With Crispy Parsley and Parmesan
Thursday Night Dinner: Brussels Sprouts With Parmesan and Breadcrumbs
Devour: Our Best Pork-Filled Brussels Sprouts Recipes for the Holidays
HGTV Gardens: Garden-to-Table: Brussels Sprouts
FN Dish: Simple Brussels Sprouts Recipes

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and please visit my other blogs:
california girl in taos
napa farmhouse 1885 

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